Thank you for having chosen a TECNOMAC STEAM sunk-electrode humidifier.
Reading this manual in full will enable you to correctly install the machine and make better use of
It is therefore advised to keep this manual near the humidifier for eventual maintenance operations
and functioning amendments.
How to read the manual.
Graphic indications with the following meanings have been inserted to facilitate reading:
Indicates a note requiring careful reading.
Indicates the operations to be scrupulously performed to avoid damaging the humidifier,
injuring persons or any malfunctionings.
Indicates the operations not to be performed to avoid damaging the humidifier, injuring
persons or any malfunctionings.
Indicates a suggestion.
Indicates to contact the after-sales assistance centre.
E1 | Maximum water level inside cylinder/Current reading problems. The water inside the cylinder has reached the maximum level sensor and absorbed current is below minimum threshold of 0.5A. Reaching of the maximum level combined with measured current too low, identifies an anomaly that should not occur in normal functioning. This alarm blocks steam output until its acquisition (pressing of Silence key). |
Check correct insertion of the cylinder connector to humidifier. Using an ammeter clamp, check absorption on the power supply phases; one may be interrupted. Check wear of the cylinder electrodes. Check water conductivity is above minimum admitted for the type of cylinder used; in particular, for normal cylinders greater than 250µS/cm and for low conductivity cylinders greater than 125µS/cm. In case, try reducing the steam output % by acting on the Pr variable to lower the working level of the water inside the cylinder. Suspended particles produced by oils or greases present in the charge line can cause the forming of foam that activates the level. Completely wash the cylinder a few times by means of manual discharge immediately after complete charge. Water conductivity above 1300µS/cm can cause the forming of foam. Increase frequency of deconcentration discharges by acting on parameter S2. Verify there is no water underneath the cable- carrier circular tube, on the upper part of the cylinder. If present, this can penetrate the circular tube and create a false contact on level. Carefully dry everything. |
E1 + flashing |
Anomaly on pump discharge test (Missed 5 consecutive tests). If the maximum level is touched during a pump discharge test (one every 10 hours of functioning) or current test It is not reached within 10 minutes, the test is abandoned, considering it MISSED. After having missed 5 consecutive tests, error E1 is launched and the steam output blocked until acquisition of the alarm (pressing of Silence key). |
Use the same arrangements taken for the above described error E1. |
E2 | Functioning anomaly of the channel probe set in variable S9. | Check correct configuration of used probe (variable S9 and electric connections on specific clamps). If problem persists, replace the probe. |
E3 | No water for a prolonged time. S2 >= 10 and water charge outlet remains active for a time equal to (S2 less 1 minute), alarm E3 triggers. If S2 < 10 alarm E3 is deactivated. This alarm blocks steam output. To reset the alarm, access and exit stand-by. |
Check the mains water line is active. Verify there is no water leaking due to breaking. Verify the water charge valve is not faulty or disconnected. |
E5 | Failed discharge control auto-test (Pre-alarm) This alarm does not block steam output; the cause of the problem must be eliminated prior to successive test performed every 10 hours of functioning of the electrodes to avoid occurring of the blocking error E6. Alarm is automatically reset upon successive discharge test if it passes or upon humidifier switch-off. |
Check the discharge or bottom of the cylinder are not obstructed and the pump is not faulty or disconnected. In case pump test I1 is not considered necessary, it can be disabled by bringing variable S10=0 |
The family of Tecnomac STEAM sunk-electrode humidifiers is the latest conception on the
humidifiers market and can be considered the most complete for use type and easy maintenance.
The line includes humidifiers with 3KG/h and 6KG/h capacity with single-phase electric power
supply, 6KG/h, 12KG/h, 24KG/h, 48KG/h with three-phase+neutral electric power supply; all able
to work in ON/OFF mode, proportional mode with integrated humidostat and 4-20mA or 0-10V
probe, proportional mode with outdoor 0-10V signal, in ON/OFF mode from integrated thermostat.
The STEAM humidifiers are provided with a microprocessor software enabling the widest
programming for a fully customised use and a completely automatic functioning.
In fact, it is possible to set the maximum steam supply capacity, intermediate capacity values in
percentage, discharge frequency for disturbance, water discharge for non-use.
The STEAM line is also provided with a display for real time viewing of the humidity in the
premises to be treated; the current absorbed by the electrodes, the hours of work, various alarms,
water charging and discharging as well as all easily settable programming parameters.
An acoustic alarm (buzzer) is present in the STEAM humidifiers that warns the user of any
anomalies; the internal software is able to evaluate the seriousness of the anomaly, blocking the
machine or continuing the steam supply.
The strength of the STEAM line is the simplicity with which the cylinder is replaced when normal
wear makes it necessary.
The STEAM series humidifiers are covered by warranty against all manufacturing vices for 12
months from the date on the product identification code or from the date on the product recording
card, if present.
In case of defect, the equipment must be shipped with adequate packaging to our Establishment or
Authorised after-sales assistance centre, prior request of the return authorisation number.
The Customer has the right to the repair of the faulty appliance, including labour and spare parts.
The expenses and transport risks are the full responsibility of the Customer.
Every intervention under warranty does not extend or renew the deadline of the same.
The warranty excludes:
• Damage due to tampering, negligence, inexperience or inadequate installation of the humidifier
and its accessories.
• Installation, use or maintenance non-conform with the prescriptions and instructions supplied
with the humidifier.
• Repair interventions carried out by unauthorised personnel.
• Consumption material (sunk-electrode cylinders)
• Damages due to natural phenomenon which lightning, natural disasters, etc.
In such cases, all repair costs will be charged to the Customer.
The intervention service under warranty can be refused when the equipment results amended or
In no case TECNOMAC will be responsible for any loss of data and information, costs of
replacement goods or services, damages to things, injuries to persons or animals, no sales or profits,
interruption of activity, any direct, indirect, accidental, asset, cover, punishing, special or
consequential damages in any way caused, whether contractual, extra contractual or due to
negligence or other responsibility deriving from the use of the product or its installation.
The bad functioning caused by tampering, impacts, inadequate installation automatically voids the
warranty. It is compulsory to respect all indications in this manual and the working conditions of
the appliance.
TECNOMAC declines every responsibility for the possible inaccuracies in this manual, if due to
printing or typing errors.
TECNOMAC reserves the right to make those amendments to its products it considers necessary or
useful, without jeopardising its essential features.
Every new release of the manuals of the TECNOMAC products, replaces all previous
E6 | Discharge control auto-test failed for second consecutive time. This alarm blocks steam output to avoid damaging the unit and cannot be silenced. To reset the alarm switch-off humidifier. |
Check the discharge or bottom of the cylinder are not obstructed and the pump is not faulty or disconnected. In case pump test I1 is not considered necessary, it can be disabled by bringing variable S10=0 |
E7 | In a Master/Slave humidifiers configuration, the Master unit cannot find a slave connected to it. Such alarm does not block normal functioning and, upon connection restore, the alarm is automatically reset. |
Check connections between master unit and slave unit. Check second level MS and Ad parameters relating to Master/Slave configuration. |
In a Master/Slave humidifiers configuration, the unit has lost communication. Such alarm blocks the unit but, upon connection restore, the alarm is automatically reset. |
Check connections between master unit and slave unit. Check second level MS and Ad parameters relating to Master/Slave configuration. |
E8 | Alarm from digital input (usually safety thermostat) . This alarm starts if one of digital inputs configured as alarm persists for more than 5 seconds. It blocks the steam production and activates the acoustic signalling (can be switched off). The alarm is automatically reset when the alarm input disappears. |
Check the alarm input (usually safety thermostat) |
E9 | SERIOUS alarm from digital input (usually safety thermostat) . If the E8 alarm persists continuously for a time longer than t5, starts the E9 serious alarm. The E9 alarm starts also if in the space of 12 hours occur 3 alarm E8 situations. It blocks the steam production to avoid the damage of the unit and it cannot be switched off. The E9 alarm is disabled with t5=0. To reset the alarm, the humidifier has to be switched off. |
Check the alarm input (usually safety thermostat) |
Differential protection upstream of the power supply line of the humidifier intervenes. Water present in lower part of humidifier due to a fault or after maintenance causing unit dispersion towards the ground. |
Bring unit in safe conditions following instructions in chapter 7.2. Carefully dry all wet parts and activate the unit again. |
Humidifier produces insufficient steam. | One of the phases may be interrupted. Check current absorption on all phases. Check the steam tube is not obstructed by water stored in a lock of the tube. The tube must not create siphons (see chapter 8) |
The STEAM series sunk-electrode humidifiers use the conductivity of potable water to produce
steam by boiling.
A current is generated between the electrodes sunk in appropriate cylinder, that heats the water to
boiling point.
Current intensity (expressed in amperes) varies according to the quantity of water in cylinder that is
in contact with the electrodes surfaces and the conductivity of the water itself.
The electronics in the humidifier, via an amperometric transformer, measures current intensity and
controls the water charge valve to raise the water level or the discharge pump to lower it. This
system is fully automatic.
Combined use of the microprocessor and a humidity sensor also makes it possible to set
proportional functioning, optimising water and electricity consumption according to required
humidity levels.
In addition to ensuring functioning during steam output, the discharge pump also guarantees
draining the cylinder completely when the unit has been idle for a set time: this prevents forming
and depositing of limescale or other particles created during the boiling process.
The STEAM series humidifiers are fully automatic and require only replacement of the cylinder
when the electrodes are worn.
The layout below illustrates the functioning principle.
Functioning description:
The unit configured as Master constantly communicates with the slave connected by means of
485, sending them data of the steam to be produced (0-100%) and managing the priorities of the
various units relating to discharges for deconcentration or test.
The functioning mode of the Master/Slave unit set is set only on Master by means of variable
S9, as well as the eventual connection of the ambient humidity probe, of the channel humidity
probe, of the signal of reference 0-10V, the ON-OFF enabling and the setting of the wanted
humidity set.
Whereas, the Pr variable representing the steam output percentage at maximum output, is set on
each individual unit.
The lacking of enabling (clamps 24 and 25 open on 100Master board) behaves as follows:
- On Master unit, stops (OFF flashing) the same unit and all slave units connected.
- On Slave units, stops (OFF flashing) only slave unit of interest.
The insertion of the stand-by, by means of dedicated key, behaves as follows:
- If activated on Master unit, places machine in stand-by (LED on stand-by button flashing)
and bring the steam output request of the connected slave to zero.
- On Slave units, stops only the slave unit of interest, placing the machine in stand-by (LED
on stand-by button flashing).
Should Master not find a slave, after a 15 sec timeout, it signals the problem with an alarm
message that can be switched off (E7). Such alarm does not block normal functioning. Slave
interrogation continues and if communication starts again, the error is automatically reset.
If Slave is not interrogated by Master within a 15 sec timeout, Slave considers connection with
the same interrupted and brings steam output to 0, disconnecting the electrodes and signalling
the anomaly with an alarm that can be switched off (E8). Should connection start again, the
error is automatically reset and normal functioning starts again.
Variable S9 on humidifiers configures as Slave (mS=1) is not taken into consideration; steam
output proportionally follows data sent by Master on RS485.
Test and deconcentration discharge priority management:
The priorities of discharge for deconcentration and for diagnostic test, are managed as follows:
When interrogated, the Slave units send eventual discharge request to Master that manages them
with FIFO (first input/first output).
Master awaits 3 minutes before giving successive consent to unit in stand-by, following priority
in FIFO; this allows the unit currently in discharge, to start steam output again.
The Slave unit having requested a discharge, awaits 45 minutes for consent from Master, after
which discharged is performed anyhow (Time out).
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