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 Machine Error Code's
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 Rational Oven Cooking Programme  Rational SCC Function Test

How to configure the type of oven The setup process of the oven must be done after replacing one of the following components: CPU board, power board, inverter, combustion control board. It is required to make all the boards communication with one another and to select the correct operating parameters of the oven. Operate as follow: - Enter the service menu - Select the "oven type" - Select the type of oven - Wait until the end of the procedure and check the list of devices in comparison with the table below. - If you get the alarm E20 during the procedure, reset with the reset button and repeat the procedure by pressing the function "repeat configuration”. If the problem persists, verify the items found and control the wiring of the components not detected. - If at the end of the procedure, the screen does not match the table below, check the wiring and repeat the configuration by pressing "repeat configuration”. - If the configuration is correct (the screen corresponds to the table) press "OK". Alarm log: Selecting this voice you get the list of the last thirty alarms that have occurred on the oven. The list will show you the alarm code, date and time.

 Temperature: Allows you to configure the temperature unit used in the normal operation of the oven. The choices can be °C or °F. To change the setting, put the cursor on the line "Temperature" and select the new unit pushing the knob. Water Hardness: Allows you to set the parameter of hardness of water. This determines the quantity of chemicals and water used during washing, Update SW, FW: This selection start the process of updating the software on the CPU (1a) and the firmware on the power board. Before performing the upgrade the USB stick (recommended max. size 4GB) should be inserted into the connector (the stick must be formatted FAT or FAT32 and contain a directory "AngeloPo" with all the necessary files inside)

How to update software and firmware To update the software and firmware, proceed as follows: - Enter the service menu - Insert the key into the USB connector - Select "Update SW, FW" - Wait until the end of the procedure and follow the instructions that appear on the display - During this procedure the message “turn off and on the oven” will appear. This has to be done by the green power switch. Attention! Don’t remove the USB Stick! (if you switch from version 1.x to 2.x, the system will require a second reboot, again without removing the USB stick!) - Remove the USB stick only when the complete update has been finished (when the main menu is displayed) WARNING In case of power loss during this procedure, both the electronic boarding could be damaged beyond repair

 Email : ðŸ’»    Error Code's Messages

 Inverter Alarm Table NEXT PAGE👇LATEST MODEL
 E06:3 The inverter bus voltage is lower than 85% of the nominal value check the inverter voltage (220VAC) 

E06:4 the inverter bus voltage has dropped below the minimum allowable check the inverter voltage (220VAC) 

E06:5 the inverter bus voltage has raised up to the maximum allowable check the inverter voltage (220VAC) 

E06:6 The inverter is not able to turn the motor check that the motor is free to move. Check that the three phases are connected to the motor. 

 E06:7 Motor overload check that the motor is free to move and doesn’t touch any other item 

 E06:8 Excessive heating of the dissipater verify that the ambient temperature is below 50°C. Verify that the cooling fan inside the inverter works properly 

E06:12 The output current too high check that the motor is free to move and doesn’t touch any other item 

 E06:13 Found scattered current too high between one of the phases and earth. check that one or more phases of the motor power supply are not short circuited with the mass 

 E06:33 Automatic restart failed There was an alarm 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 or 63, but the automatic restart was unsuccessful. Remove the cause of these alarms and restart. 

 E06:38 Phase U short circuited with GND check the correct connection of the motor and check that the phase U of motor supply is not short circuited to the GND 

E06:39 Phase V short circuited with GND check the correct connection of the motor and check that the phase V of motor supply is not short circuited to the GND 

E06:40 Phase W short circuited with GND check the correct connection of the motor and check that the phase W of motor supply is not short circuited to the GND 

 E06:41 between phases a UV excess current flows check the correct connection of the motor and that the phases U and V of the motor power supply are not short circuited together 

 E06:42 between phases a UW excess current flows check the correct connection of the motor and that the phases U and W of the motor power supply are not short circuited together 

 E06:43 between phases a VW excess current flows check the correct connection of the motor and that the phases V and W of the motor power supply are not short circuited together 

 E06:64 High current limit exceeded 150% for 1 minute or 200% for 3 seconds check that the motor is free to move and doesn’t touch and other item 

 E06:70 inverter power section faulty Check the inverter voltage (220VAC)

E06:71 Excessive communication errors check that the cable connecting the serial line is properly connected. 

 E06:81 Communication breakdown check that the cable connecting the serial line is properly connected. E06:100 Inverter checksum error Replace the inverter 

 E06:122 Inverter control section faulty Replace the inverter 

 E06:255 Inverter blocked check the connection between terminal 1 and terminal 11 on the inverter.

Below the list of the configurable ovens, in bold the models equipped with the inverter Oven Model Inverter Combustion Control 

FX61E1 0 0     FX61E2 0 0    FX82E1 0 0   FX82E2 0 0   FX101E1 0 0   FX101E2 0 0   FX122E1 0 0 FX122E2 0 0    FX201E2 0 0  FX202E2 0 0 FX61G1 0 1   FX61G2 0 1    FX82G1 0 1     FX82G2 0 1 FX101G1 0 1    FX101G2 0 1 FX122G1 0 1 FX122G2 0 1 FX201G2 0 2  FX202G2 0 2   FX61E2S 1 0 FX82E2S 1 0    FX101E2S 1 0 FX122E2S 1 0 FX201E2S 2 0 FX202E2S 2 0 FX61G2S 1 1 FX82G2S 1 1 FX101G2S 1 1  FX122G2S 1 1  FX201G2S 2 2  FX202G2S 2 2

Alarm on display Problem (on the manual) Solution (on the manual) Note (on the manual) Note for Service OPE Oven door opening or closure request. Open or close the oven door. Inform the aftersales service if this message continues to be displayed. The cooking cycle does not start until the door has been opened or closed as required. Check the door magnetic micro switch, to be correctly connected to the power PCB by wires 42 and 43. It could be interruption or short circuit. 
 CLE W01 W02 Cleaning alarm --- --- See chapter 5.6 (cleaning warnings)
 E01:CC The cooking chamber probe has failed or is not properly connected. (Short circuit) Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. Check the chamber probe. The resistance value must be about 1100 Ohm at 25°C. The probe is connected to the terminals 44 and 45 of the power PCB. 
 E01:-- The cooking chamber probe has failed or is not properly connected. (Circuit open) Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. Check the chamber probe. The resistance value must be about 1100 Ohm at 25°C. The probe is connected to the terminals 44 and 45 of the power PCB. 

 E02:CC The product core probe has failed. (Short circuit) Check the position of the product core probe or inform the after-sales service if it is faulty. Cooking cycles with product core probe cannot be carried out. Check the core probe. The resistance value must be about 1100 Ohm at 25°C. On the ovens level 2, the probe is connected to the terminals 46 and 47 of the power PCB. On the ovens level 3, the multipoint core wires are connected to terminals 74-75-76-77-78 (wires red-yellow-blue-green-black) of the expansion PCB, and the white one

Alarm on display Problem (on the manual) Solution (on the manual) Note (on the manual) Note for Service E02:-- The product core probe has failed. (Circuit open) Check the position of the product core probe or inform the after-sales service if it is faulty. Cooking cycles with product core probe cannot be carried out. Same as above 

 E03:CC The steam discharge probe has failed. (Short circuit) Inform the after-sales service. Convection and steam cooking cycles can still be carried out. Check the drain probe. The resistance value must be about 1100 Ohm at 25°C. The probe is connected to the terminals 48 and 49 of the power PCB. 

E03:-- The steam discharge probe has failed. (Circuit open) Inform the after-sales service. Convection and steam cooking cycles can still be carried out. Same as above. 

 E04 The motoroperated valve is not positioned correctly. Switch on the oven again and if the problem persists inform the aftersales service. Convection and steam cooking cycles can still be carried out. Check that the motor-operated valve is not blocked. The motor is connected to pole 11. The micro-switch terminals C and NC are connected to the terminals 37 and 38 of the power PCB. Verify the 3,15 A fuse (delayed) on the relays PCB. 

 E05 Safety thermostat failure. Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. Reset the safety thermostat. Check that the thermostat capillary is not bent, squeezed or broken. Test the oven at the maximum temperature for some minutes. 

 E06 Motor overload tripped. Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. Reset the motor overload protection relay (L1 and L2) or reset the alarm from the keyboard (L3). For L3 only, check the inverter alarm list. Check the motor to rotate free and the 3 phases in case of 3 phases power supply. 

Alarm on display Problem (on the manual) Solution (on the manual) Note (on the manual) Note for Service 

 E07 Power board alarm Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. Control the dip switch settings of the power board. The switches 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the DP1 must be set to OFF. 

 E08 The vacuum probe has failed. Press reset button. Check if the vacuum probe is correctly connected to the plug on the control board. Connect and disconnect the vacuum probe only when the oven is not working. If the problem persists, call the after-sales service. Check the vacuum probe. The resistance value must be about 1100 Ohm at 25°C. The probe is connected to the terminals 50 and 51 of the panel PCB. Verify the connector terminals are clean and be sure to follow the user instructions. 
 E09 Exceeded maximum temperature allowed in room (Probe is set to 315°) Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are enabled so cooking cycles can be carried out. Check the chamber probe, and check the contactors are non blocked 

 E10 Electrical component compartment has overheated. The oven solves the problem on its own. The oven’s functions are enabled so cooking cycles can be carried out. The chamber heating will be temporarily disabled. Check the panel board cooling fan. Remove and clean the air gratings located on the front of the oven. This alarm will be automatically reset when the temperature drops down. 

 E11 Electronic circuit board diagnostics tripped. Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. This alarm will appear in the case the alarm 

E10 has not been removed and the temperature on PCB has rised up to 69°C. Follow the above instructions.

Alarm on display Problem (on the manual) Solution (on the manual) Note (on the manual) Note for Service 

 E13 Electronic circuit board diagnostics tripped. Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. Communication failure between the boards or peripheral devices. Verify electrical connections. E13 = Power Board - CPU E13a= Inverter 1 E13b= Combustion control board 1 E13c= Inverter 2 E13d= Combustion control board 2 

 E14 Electronic circuit board diagnostics tripped. Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. PCB temperature probe failure. Replace the power board or the CPU board. E14V = CPU E14Q = power board 

 E19 The humidity probe has failed. Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are enabled so cooking cycles can be carried out. Check the connector terminals on the probe and on the power board.

 E20 Configuration error Inform the after-sales service. The oven’s functions are disabled so no cooking cycles can be carried out. Found inconsistencies between the type of oven and installed boards. Verify the installed boards (display, power board) and devices (inverter and combustion control), verify their proper connection on net cables and repeat the configuration of the oven. 

 E21 – E26 Washing cycle alarms See chapter 5.4 

 E27 Gas test missed See chapter 4.8 (alarm gas chart)

Alarm on display Problem (on the manual) Solution (on the manual) Note (on the manual) Note for Service 

 E28 Valve not working Press reset button The oven’s functions are enabled so cooking cycles can be carried out. Washing programs are disabled. Check the connector terminals on the valve and on the power board. 

 E29 Core probe not inserted Press reset button The oven’s functions are enabled so cooking cycles can be carried out. --- 

 E30 – E38 Electronic circuit board diagnostics tripped. Press reset button If the problem persists inform the after-sales service. Protections against electromagnetic interferences. Check all the ground wiring of the equipment. In case of gas version, please check ignition electrode and cover protections to be properly fitted. Check all the wirings relative to the ignition system. Check the correct insulation of the cable. 

 E80 – E85

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